Cholesterol and diet management

Cholesterol can join with fat and other substances in your blood to build up in the inner wall of your arteries..the arteries can become narrow and blood flow is reduced

How you understand cholesterol ?

Cholesterol is important for all age groups 
High cholesterol can leads to cardiovascular diseases and stroke. 

What is cholesterol ?

Cholesterol is a waxy , fat like substance you body produces naturally,  in blood stream and body cells. 
It helps in making new cells,  hormones and substances that help digest food.
Cholesterol is a part of healthy body but too much of it in blood can leads to a problems.

Types of cholesterol 

Low - density lipoproteins(LDL)- 

Cholesterol is often called "bad" cholesterol . Too much of LDL cholesterol in blood , can join With blood and other substances to build up in the inner wall of arteries.. forming thick hard substances called plaque 

Arteries can become narrow and clogged and blood flow is reduced,  if the buildup of plaque ruptures and travels in the blood stream causing heart attack and stroke.

High-density lipoproteins- (HDL)

"Good" cholesterol 
It removes bad LDL cholesterol away from the arteries and back to liver it can be removed from your body 
Also removes plaque from the arteries..

Most common type of fat in the body .mostly comes from food and body also forms them. 
These can also form plaque.

What causes high cholesterol ?

Mainly due to digestive problems caused by consumption of food rich foods .....such as fried foods , sugar,  meat , fish etc.
Other causes- smoking and drinking alcohol..

Best diet 

Jaw juices is the first option followed by glass of fruit juice and vegetable juices..

Following diet 

Early morning- decoction of coriander seeds.
Break fast - fresh fruits and hand full of seeds ..
Lunch - steamed vegetables , whole wheat chappatis or brown rice and glass of butter milk .
Mid - afternoon - glass of carrot or orange juice.
Dinner - salads of raw vegetables , munge sprouts and vegetable soups.


Other measures
Yogic asanas
Regular walking 




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