
The term fever applies to a condition of the body in which the temperature goes above the normal...
It is also characterized by disturbance in normal functioning of the system.
It is a common ailment which affects persons of all age groups..

Normal temperatures ranges between   98.4 F and 99.5 F  or 
36.9 C and 37.5 C...

Lowest temperature of the body is between the hours 1.30 Am to 7
Am  and highest between 4pm to 9pm...


The term fever has a very wide application..
It is the symptom of a body's fight amongst infection..it is one of the most common features of several diseases...
In many cases , it is a secondary symptom of the discovered state of the body which it is associated...

The real cause of all fevers ...including common fever , however is the accumulation of the morbid matter in the system due to wrong feeding habits and unhygienic conditions of living...

Fever is thus ... a natural attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of toxic matter...it is not the result of germ infection, as is generally believed..if it was true, all persons exposed to an infection should get it ... 


Fever usually begins by a slight shivering 
Great lessitude 
Pain  in the other parts of the body..

The urine is scanty ...there may be constipation,  nausea and vomiting..the pulse and respiration are speeded up....Then finally,  there is profuse sweating , a copious flow of concentrated urine and general relief of symptoms...
 The high temperature is often accompanied by delirium..if the temperature of the body during an attack of fever reaches 106F , the condition is known as hyper purexia  ( HIGH TEMPERATURES)
It indication of danger ..if the temperature goes above 107F and remains so for any length of time,  death may be inevitable....


Cold compresses may be applied to the head incase the temperature rises above 103F...if this method does not succeed,  cold pack may be applied to the whole body ...
The procedure is to bring out a sheet or large square piece of linen material in cold water , wrap it twice around the body and legs of the patient and then cover completely with a small blanket or simliar warm material....

This pack should be applied every three hours during the day while temperature is high and kept on for one hour or so each time.....hot water may be applied to the feet and also against the side of the body....

Other measures 

Cold compress on the head in case of high fever , failing which , cold pack to the whole body...

Dietry management 

Fever being a natural healing crisis,  Any interference with this normal process by administration of drugs will only enable the body to retain the morbid matter which caused this condition.....if dealt with in natural way , the common fever , where there are no complications,  will subside in two or three days ...  
To begin with the patient should be put on a fast on orange juice and water....
The procedure is to take the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water every two hours during the day....it will provide energy , Increases urinary output and promote body resistance against infection,  there by hastening recovery ...warm - water enema should be given daily to cleanse the bowels during this period...

Home remedies 
Decoction of Tulsi leaves and fenugreek seeds tea ...


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